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  • The AccuPoint 2 ATP Sanitation Monitoring Neogen Corporation USA

The AccuPoint 2 ATP Sanitation Monitoring Neogen Corporation USA

Update Terakhir
10 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail The AccuPoint 2 ATP Sanitation Monitoring Neogen Corporation USA

THE NEXT GENERATION OF ATP SANITATION MONITORING Choosing the test sites for sampling has never been easier. The AccuPoint 2 system now has several different options: • Manually toggle to the appropriate test location by site number, site group or site name. • Have the AccuPoint 2 system select your sites at random. Simply select the “ random” option in the Site Name field. • Create your sample plan in the Data Manager program and download it to the AccuPoint 2 instrument. You can select a random set of points from your total Test Plan or have the software select a defined number from each Site Group at random. Or if you want to control the test sites, select the ones for testing manually. You can even create a sample plan with points selected at random and manually. When you’ re done, simply download the sample plan to the AccuPoint 2 instrument. A new level of ease-of-use and flexibility The AccuPoint 2 system has been engineered to build on the original system’ s ease-of-use with significantly enhanced site information on the display, additional site selection options, faster data processing and transfer. • As with the original AccuPoint system, intuitive symbols are used to provide a universal interface. • Leading edge circuitry and enhanced light detection from the latest generation in silicon photo-diode technology. • All site information— site name, number, group and testing type ( water or surface) — appear on the display. The information is entered through the Data Manager software and downloaded for permanent storage. • User information can be selected and recorded with the testing results. • Up to 999 unique test sites can be accommodated. • A record count is displayed to keep track of the number of tests taken since the instrument was powered on. • A complete self-test occurs at power-on, with the results displayed on the screen to provide you with the confidence to know the system is working as it should. • Real-time random site selection allows you to pick the sites you want to test at random while walking through your facility. • An improved USB interface makes transfer of data to and from the instrument and the Data Manager software fast and easy.
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